Thursday, December 2, 2010


That's it, I quit, I'm done. I swear I just cannot catch a break, I miss work because of a hospitalization and I noticed that I never got paid for my disability leave. I call the disability people up and they tell me that the reason I did not get paid is because I wasn't out of work long enough, that the FMLA just basically protected my job. Yet the last time I was out for the same thing I got 60% of my pay, what the hell is the difference between then and now. Do I have a sign on me the says stick it to me? I must, because I seem to be getting the shaft every where I go. I have my mom who has throat cancer and about to go through some pretty intense chemo grilling me about my marriage, I am not gonna tell her I am getting divorced right now, and I kinda snapped on her about it. Good thing I had a friend who was willing to lend me the money so I had enough to cover rent this month. I just need something to go my way to prove to me that the freaking universe isn't out to get me.

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