Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Money can't buy happiness?

Well I think that is the biggest crock of shit ever. Does Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs or any other multi millionaire/billionaire look like they are pissed off because they are so rich? Nope, they are happy as clams, I wish I could find that type of happiness, but apparently because I am just some balding overweight middle aged guy who has to work 2 jobs to make ends meet, it will never happen. I see all the idiots with billions of dollars in the bank on the news whining about the economy and how they only made 4 billion instead of 5 billion, well you know what I have to say about that? Fuck you, you fucking fuck, there I said it. Wanna make that extra billion back, then get together with all your billionaire buddies and set an initiative to give every household in America half a million, between all of you rich fucks you could do it and never miss it, then people would start buying your overpriced goods again and you will be making that lost billion back. Are a lot of people gonna spend it foolishly, of course but hey, that's their weekend. The first thing I would do is get the bariatric surgery so I can be skinny again, try to get the thinning hair fixed, get a nice car and some nicer clothes, then I might be able to attract a woman, because it is apparent in this day and age thats all women want, fucking money and shiny things. I don't think I am a bad person but apparently because I am not rich I am horrible and should not be given any time to. I am just sick and tired of being cheated on and blown off and just straight up ignored, it is very frustrating and I figure If I can get rich people will start to notice me. I an no angel I can admit and I am far from perfect and I am not looking for perfect, I just want happy. Therefore in order to find happiness I am gonna need a big bank account, maybe I should write these rich fucks and beg for money, Ill send a letter every week till they get tired of hearing from me and send me money, kind of like Andy did in the movie The Shawshank Redemption when he wanted the library....lol Oh well, I guess rich people are right to shun poor fucks like me.

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