Sunday, November 28, 2010


Loneliness is the worst thing ever. I sit here wishing I just had someone to talk to. It seems like when I meet someone and they say they want to talk at a later time, they never follow through. It seems that when I meet someone, I become transparent. They seem to forget me and I end up lonely once again. I am so afraid of the whole dating thing because how do I know it is wont end up the same way my marriage did, me finding my significant other in bed with someone else. I try to convince myself that I am a good person and can be loved, but it gets really hard to do getting shot down so m any times. I meet a really nice person at a bar , she says she wants to talk again , but guess what, haven't heard from her. One girl at work i tired to become friends with won't even look me in the eye. I just don't know what to do. I guess I will just have to roll with the flow and see what happens.

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