Saturday, November 20, 2010

Guilt trips

You know if there is one thing I hate more than others its guilt trips. For instance, yesterday I had made plans to go out to dinner with a few friends of mine and then after wards maybe a little Rock Band or play the Kinect. Well that all got changed at 3:25 when my wife called and asked that since I wasn't around most of the week if I wanted to take the girls fro the night while she went and did some Christmas shopping that apparently couldn't wait. I was in a real quandary because in my mind I am thinking she just wants to go out and get laid, then I am thinking, if I tell her no she is gonna use it against me sometime and someplace, so yes Katie, if you are reading this, I let her play me like a fiddle, just like I said people do when we were in group. I mean yes I am glad I got the time with my girls but at the same time, I work 2 jobs, I never get a night off other than Sunday and I need some time to blow off some steam. I mean its not like I was in Vegas or something, I was in the fucking hospital because I tried to hurt myself and don't remember it. I am so angry right now I want to punch something, I need something to help calm me down before I go to work. I fucking hate living like this, it is so hard to continue on every day knowing that people don't care and just play me and my emotions without a care in the world. I really hope that what they are doing to me makes them feel good and they enjoy it. I am just ready for it all to end.

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