Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 2

Well its day 2 out of the hospital and I am trying to keep busy but I am running out of things to do. I just got my cell phone bill changed so it is not a family plan anymore, just an individual plan. i don't know what go up my wife's butt this morning, when I go there she said she was done with the kids and was invisible to them . I hlped them with the things they needed like food and juice, and them Melinda just left without sating goodbye to them, she always hugs and kisses them, but not today. That really upset them as it also upset me. I sent her a text asking her why she changed the cell plan at a time when I couldn't do it or stop her from doing it, maybe she has a boyfriend and doesn't want me to find out. I honestly don't care anymore. I noticed today that I didn't get that feeling I usually get when I see her and honestly don't think that I hardly even looked at her. She doesnt want me anymore, and I am starting to realize I don't need her anymore. As long as I have my new friends in my corner, I will be good. All I know is dating terrifies me, people aren't gonna want to get to know me because of my size. All I am looking for is a woman who understands what I am going through and just wants to be able to cuddle on the couch, just being at peace and one with each other

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