Saturday, November 20, 2010


Friendship, a simple word yet very complex. You can't have relationships without friendship, if we weren't friends with others we would all be walking along alone and there would never be marriages and and there would never be any children born because we aren't friendly enough to procreate. I am the type of person who takes friendships very seriously, mainly because it seems that I have very few true friends. I am a loyal friend and will do anything for my friends, get hurt and need a shoulder to cry on? Call me. Get done wrong and want to get revenge? Call me. Just want to talk about your day and how you are feeling? Call me. The one downfall I have to all of this is sometimes if I make friends with a female it may come off that I want more than friendship, that is not true, if someone is going through a hard time I know the last thing they need is someone trying to hit on them. I mean yes there are some female friends that I have had thought of, if I  could be with them I could make them happy, but I also know that is not good for the friendship. I hate the fact of thinking that I lost a friend because I made them uncomfortable, that is the last thing I ever want to do, because we all need friends at times and the ones I have are very few, but very, very dear to my heart.

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